About us

Founding Objectives Of AWFISHNET

The AWFISHNET membership affirms their commitment to:

  • Improve the welfare and incomes of Women engaged in fish processing and trade in Africa
  • Ensure the equitable participation of Women at all levels of decision making in fish processing and trade at national, regional and continental levels.
  • Improve the viability, sustainability and growth of Women’s enterprises.
  • Improve the competitiveness and access to markets of Women’s products to national, regional and continental markets.


AWFISHNET exists to strengthen institutional coordination and collaboration with respect to matters that affect the interests of Women fish processors and traders in Africa.

Enable African Women fish processors and Traders to effectively manage their social, economic and political development processes for improved livelihoods.


Strategic Focus

To address the constraints, AWFISHNET developed a strategic plan that focuses on the
following priorities:

  • Safe and healthy working environment;
  • Sustainability  and access to fish resources.
  • Viability and competitiveness of Women Enterprises.
  • Participation of Women in policy and regulatory processes.
  • Organizational capacity and
  • Resource mobilisation.

In these priority areas, AWFISHNET will pursue the following strategic objectives during the period 2021-2025.

  1. Improve the working facilities and hygiene conditions for Women in fish trade and fish processing.
  2. Actively participate in the conversation and ensure sustainable and accessible supply of safe fish for human nutrition.
  3. Build the capacity of Women fish trade and fish processing enterprises to establish and manage profitable and competitive business enterprises.
  4. Raise the consciousness and capacity of Women in fish trade and fish processing to influence policies, laws and regulations impacting their business.
  5. Develop the organizational capacity of AWFISHNET to initiate, develop and implement impactful programs.
  6. Mobilise resources and establish sustainable partnerships to support program implementation.

Our numbers that speak

Members Worldwide
Women Helped
Funds Raised
Families Touched